School Day

Opening and Closing Times

Our school day officially starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.20pm, this totals 32.5 hours per week. There is at least one member of staff on the school gates to welcome the children into school at 8:40am. The children are then greeted by a member of staff as they enter their classroom to begin the day with early morning work. The school gates close at 8:50am, any families arriving later than this, will need to come into school via the School Office. In the afternoon, we open the gates at 3:20pm for you to come into the playground to collect your children. The gates close at 3:25pm so if you arrive after this, please come to the School Office. If your child is in Year 5 or 6, and you would like them to walk home on their own, this must be put in writing and handed to the classteacher. 


Our assemblies are held at 10.15am Tuesday-Friday. On Monday, they are held at 9:05am.

On Monday, we have a whole school assembly with Ms Adams, she likes to set us up with a thought for the week which is based around British Values. During this assembly, we also look at our attendance for the previous week - which class will Gertie Goat visit this week? 

On Tuesday, we come together to sing with Ms Barcham and Mr Leone.

On Wednesday, we have another whole school assembly with Mrs de Roeck and there’s often a lesson about our school values, team work, friendship or working together. These assemblies might also focus on a special religious festival happening that week, or special days such as Commonwealth Day. 

On Thursday, we have key stage assemblies or visitors in school. These are led by different teachers and children from across the school.

On Friday, we end the week with our 'Celebration Assembly' where we find out who has achieved ‘Pupil of the Week.'  During this assembly, we will also award a 'School Values' certificate for someone who has stood out and shown our school values during the week. These can be nominated by children or adults. If anyone has received a certificate from outside of school, e.g. swimming or sports, we can also celebrate this. We also find out the number of house points we've raised that week for good work and showing our shool values. Finally our spelling bee is given to the top speller on Spelling Shed for that week. Sometimes this can be a very busy assembly but we think that it is important to celebrate everyone’s achievements.

Morning playtimes

In KS1, children have a morning break from 10:00am to 10:15am, children in KS2 have their breaktime after assembly at 10:30am. 


Billy class have their lunchtime at 11:50am -1:00pm. Angora and Alpine have their lunch from 12:05am – 1:00pm and Kinder, Cashmere and Pygmy have their lunchbreak from 12:15 -1:15. We have a variety of school dinner options available to our children and they are provided with a menu to take home at the start of each term. You can find a link to the menu under the parent tab - catering. We also have a ‘serve yourself’ salad bar which is available every day. We think it is very important for the children to eat together and to learn excellent table manners - a skill for the future! The younger children have a playtime after their lunch and the older children have 15 minutes before they eat and 15 minutes afterwards. In addition to the adults who are outside, we have play leaders from Pygmy class (Year 6) who help everyone in KS1 to have a happy playtime and play a variety of games with them.

End of the school day

The school day finishes at 3.20pm for all classes. The children are collected from the classroom doors that lead onto the playground. If the children are attending any of the after school clubs on offer, they will be taken to the adult running these clubs. Additionally, if they are attending the after school club in the community centre, the children enjoy a book with a friend (or an adult) in our library area until they are taken over at 3:30pm.

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