Computing and Online Safety

Intent, Implementation and Impact


At the heart of our curriculum lie our school values (respect, responsibility, honesty and pride) and these are reflected in the daily life of school. Our Computing curriculum topics are informed by the National Curriculum and take into account our children’s interests and current needs. Our aim is that, through the teaching of Computing and Online Safety, our pupils:

  • Develop their skills and knowledge gradually and meaningfully
  • Develop their computer science vocabulary and meanings, as well as describing the feelings and emotions involved with our experiences online and when using computer technology
  • Develop independence when formatting, presenting and programming with computer technology
  • Understand the issues that can occur when communicating, researching information and playing online and take responsibility for their own online behaviour too
  • Understand that they can always speak to a trusted adult if they encounter anything which scares, angers or upsets them online
  • Gain sufficient skills and knowledge so that they are prepared for the Computing curriculum and online safety issues that may arise in secondary school and beyond


At Goat Lees, we have carefully planned our Computing curriculum, incorporating the National Curriculum, whilst also using elements from the ‘Switched On’ curriculum scheme and the Teach Computing website. We have also included Online Safety lessons for each year group, in each term, so that pupils build on their knowledge and skills surrounding this crucial element of Computing learning.

  • Units of work are designed to build upon children’s previous knowledge and skills.
  • A progression in skills map has been developed for each year group to ensure the children build on, and develop their skills each year.
  • Teaching staff are encouraged to use computing technology across all areas of the curriculum where possible, to facilitate research, presentation and other skills that can be developed further through the use of computer technology.
  • Teachers have good subject knowledge and pedagogy and the Computing curriculum is thoroughly planned so that teachers can develop this.
  • Teacher will consider ways of adapting their lessons and resources to suit the needs of all learners, including those with SEN needs and disabilities.
  • There is a computing support technician, who teaching staff can consult with when they need to develop their understanding or wish to use new apps to develop their class's learning further.
  • Teachers will plan and teach to this curriculum by Year Group, each year, and the ‘I can’ statements and assessment documents show every teacher how the skills and knowledge of our children should develop.
  • We will provide opportunities across the curriculum to discuss ideas and what our children enjoy about using computing technology.
  • Children are given opportunities to control moving robots, cameras and other computing technologies, meaning they can see how these are programmed and used to work in our everyday lives.
  • Children’s work is saved on the school network, which children and adults can access at any time.


By the time the children leave Goat Lees Primary School, they should have developed:

  • Knowledge and understanding of computing terminology so that they are prepared for secondary school learning about Computing and can employ their skills effectively and confidently.
  • Skills to use different types of computer technology, including tablets, computers, cameras, mobile phones and programmable roamers and microbits, to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  • The ability to research information effectively and analyse its truthfulness and usefulness.
  • The ability to programme apps and devices to animate, respond and control machines.
  • The ability to design and create using computer technology.
  • The skills to take photos, record videos and then edit these to be more effective.
  • The ability to create, edit and format different document types
  • Their understanding of issues that may occur when communicating online

Please click here to see the Goat Lees Primary School Computing and Online Safety Curriculum.

Please click here to see our 'Computing and Online Safety Progression of Knowledge and Skills'

 If you would like to see how our Early Years Curriculum links to the computing curriculum in years 1-6, please click here

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